Donnell Netanel Abraams Reed
Founder and Managing Director
Full-time professional translator since 1990
Mr. Reed manages the daily operations and business development of Donnell Reed & Partner. He also takes pride in rendering high-quality translations to meet his clients’ needs.
Professional Activity in Detail
After 20 years as a translator and business owner in Berlin, Donnell Netanel Abraams Reed has deep ties to the German-speaking legal world and industry. Mr. Reed participated first-hand as a translator in many of the historic transformations in Germany and the EU over the last decades. In the early to mid-90s, he was active in translating property restitution and other claims, including art recovery claims, associated with Reunification, and assisted in many issues related to the pullout of the U.S. and British armed forces from Germany. In the mid-90s, he played an active role in the deregulation of the German telecommunications industry, providing the initial draft of what was later to be the official English translation of the German Telecommunications Act. At the same time, he oversaw the translation of 6,000 pages for a due-diligence review associated with a ground-breaking merger between one U.S. and two European telecommunications firms. As an interpreter and translator for a major U.S. plant constructor, Mr. Reed witnessed the growing pains associated with the harmonization and implementation of European contracting law into German national administrative law. Towards the end of the 1990s and into the new millennium, much of his translation work focused on the emerging European power trading system as well as the award of UMTS and other wireless licenses by the German telecommunications authorities. All this time, Mr. Reed interpreted for U.S. and British investors in merger-related due-diligence proceedings and assisted the legal departments of American companies when conducting discovery proceedings in Germany. For instance, he helped to organize an Internet portal enabling three U.S. law firms to review 10,000 translated documents needed to conduct litigation against a media giant in Germany. He had a hand in creating the official English versions of numerous securities prospectuses for some of the largest IPOs on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange in the last decades. All the while, Mr. Reed has translated contracts providing the daily legal framework for Germany’s famed Mittelstand, the small and medium-sized business engines powering German industry. A good deal of his contract work has centered on real estate as well as wind power and other renewable energies.
Mr. Reed speaks German and Spanish fluently and has strong reading knowledge of French, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew and Russian.
Yonadav S. Kushner
Full-Time Translator, Chicago, Illinois
After attending the Freie Universität Berlin and graduating Johns Hopkins University with a degree in German, Yonadav S. Kushner took up work as a full-time professional translator in 2001. Much of Mr. Kushner’s translation energies initially focused on cross-border sale-and-lease-back transactions involving German municipal utility infrastructures. Here he accumulated a lot of expertise in international tax law. He translated requests from major U.S. investors to the German revenue authorities for binding tax rulings in numerous multi-billion-euro deals. Mr. Kushner has a particular talent for conducting detailed research and defining in English new innovations and concepts from the German-speaking world. He has brought these talents to bear in translations associated with investment and the stock market, helping German-speaking high-tech and industrial companies tell their stories to the English-speaking world. Over the past years, he has translated the securities prospectuses for some of the largest IPOs on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In fact, with the increasing accessibility and proliferation of these prospectuses, it is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Kushner has helped to set the standard for the English-language versions of prospectuses on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, his translations now being used as boilerplate. Much of his daily work involves the translation of analyst reports, annual reports and other investor relations material for some of Germany’s leading companies. Complementing his talent for corporate reporting is his detailed knowledge of national and international accounting standards, an asset that has not escaped the attention of several major independent auditing companies, who entrust him with the translation of their auditor’s reports. Nor has his capacity for crisp story-telling and knowledge of financials gone unnoticed by the association of the German insurance industry, which has harnessed his talents for the translation of its yearbook. On the legal side, Mr. Kushner deploys these skills to help U.S. and British litigants understand German-language case briefs. He has also translated reams of energy-related legislation.
Apart from German, Yonadav S. Kushner also speaks fluent Hebrew.